Municipal Services
Some of the benefits derived from living in this Village are zoning protection, a locally controlled police department, a Village level Court system, six-day a week garbage collection, an outstanding Village park system (including a Golf course, 11 tennis courts, ball fields, playgrounds, and swimming pools), snow removal, and year round street repair and drainage maintenance. A resident may play golf at our Golf Course on a daily basis or as a yearly member. Women's and Men's golf club organizations exist for the planning of social events and tournaments throughout the year. A summer camp for young resident children is operated for a reasonable charge.
Voting on a local level takes place at the Village Hall at 318 Lakeville Road, and voting for State and National levels usually takes place at the Village Courthouse located at 15 Vanderbilt Drive. Our Village lies in the 16th Assembly District, 7th Senate District, and 3rd Congressional District.
Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department protects our Village in times of need of their services.
Manhasset-Lakeville Water District provides our Village with water, and tests the wells that feed our water supply.
Our School District is District #7. We have one elementary school, Lakeville School; South Middle School; South Senior High School; and the Adult Education Center located in the confines of Lake Success.
Great Neck Public Library services the whole peninsula with a superior group of libraries, the main building located on Bayview Avenue in Saddle Rock and Parkville Library located on Lakeville Road, south of Union Turnpike.
Cablevision provides the entire Great Neck peninsula with its services, and the Great Neck Peninsula Cable Commission oversees the franchise for the nine Villages of Great Neck. It also develops public programming. Presently channel 54 contains updated Village information about regularly scheduled meetings and important announcements as well as telephone numbers you may need to contact Village departments.
The Belgrave Sewer District has a contract with the Village of Lake Success to accept the flow of sanitary and storm sewage to its facilities.
Town & CountySince Village taxpayers also pay Town of North Hempstead taxes, they have a right to use a number of Town of North Hempstead services which are provided to our Village, i.e. The Town Clerkâs office which provides birth certificates, death certificates, and marriage licenses and other Registrar information, town parks including the Evergreen Avenue indoor pool and the Harbor Links Golf Course; senior citizen services; the Town boat dock; the Town animal shelter; and Town roads.
The Town tax office collects the School and General taxes.
The Town also receives and provides for the disposition of all solid wastes (garbage) removed from the Village.
The Nassau County Department of Public Works maintains county highways and storm drains, including most traffic signals and pavement markings on the roads such as Lakeville Road, the North and South Expressway service roads of the Long Island Expressway, Bates Road and Marcus Avenue.
The Nassau County Health Department provides a variety of health services and inspections, as well as hospitals for all residents of Nassau County. The County of Nassau also maintains a very large system of parks, cultural and recreational facilities, including beaches, golf courses, nature preserves, the Coliseum, Bethpage Restoration, Fine Arts Center, etc.
The Nassau County Court System is your main source of judicial relief, and the County Board of Elections conducts all elections except those for the Village of Lake Success officials, Mayor and six members of the Board of Trustees.
The County Fire Marshall enforces rules and conducts inspection for the promotion of fire safety, while the Nassau County Police Department provides our Village Police force with detective and investigative services as well as much other back-up assistance.
Other Nassau County departments such as, the County Clerk, Consumer Affairs, Civil Service Commission, Board of Assessors, Correction Center (jail), District Attorney, Drug and Alcohol Addiction, Environmental Quality and Sanitation, Human Rights Commission, Planning Commission and Social Services (welfare) provide County residents and the Village Administration with an extensive array of additional services.
Among the many services offered by Nassau County Office for the Aging are counseling service, health care, human services, information on housing, legal advice, recreation, continuing education, volunteer programs, and many others too numerous to list. The office and reception center is located at 60 Charles Lindbergh Boulevard, Uniondale. Their telephone number is (516) 227-8900.